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Indian Law Commission Chairman List: Key Leaders in Indian Legal System

The Fascinating History of Indian Law Commission Chairmen

As avid of Indian legal history, always captivated influential who served chairmen Indian Law Commission. Contributions significantly shaped landscape country.

Indian Law Commission Chairman List

Below table esteemed who had honor chairing Indian Law Commission:

Name Tenure
B.R. Ambedkar 1955-1956
Justice A.R. Lakshmanan 2006-2009
Justice B.S. Chauhan 2013-2015
Justice Balbir Singh Chauhan 2015-2018

Significance of the Indian Law Commission

The Indian Law Commission plays a pivotal role in reviewing and recommending reforms in the country`s legal system. Chairmen been initiating changes lasting impact.

Case Study: B.R. Ambedkar

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, chairman Indian Law Commission, made contributions development laws property, contract, tort. Expertise vision continue inspire scholars practitioners day.

Looking Future

As we celebrate the rich legacy of the Indian Law Commission chairmen, it is essential to also look towards the future. Commission`s remains in contemporary challenges ensuring legal framework remains and just.

© Indian Law Enthusiast. Rights reserved.


Top 10 Legal Questions about Indian Law Commission Chairman List

Question Answer
1. Who is the current chairman of the Indian Law Commission? As of now, the honorable chairman of the Indian Law Commission is Justice B.S. Chauhan. Vast and acumen make formidable for commission.
2. How is the chairman of the Indian Law Commission appointed? The chairman of the Indian Law Commission is appointed by the President of India, based on the recommendation of the Union Cabinet. It`s position requires understanding legal of country.
3. What are the responsibilities of the Indian Law Commission chairman? The chairman of the Indian Law Commission is responsible for overseeing and guiding the commission`s work in reviewing and suggesting reforms in the country`s legal framework. Role demands deep of Indian law.
4. Can the chairman of the Indian Law Commission be removed from office? Yes, chairman removed office President India, only grounds proven or incapacity. Provision ensures chairman`s held utmost and competence.
5. What qualifications are required to become the chairman of the Indian Law Commission? The chairman typically distinguished scholar judge with track in of law. Individual must deep experience, and reputation entrusted with crucial role.
6. How long is the term of office for the chairman of the Indian Law Commission? The chairman serves fixed of years, stability continuity leadership commission. Allows chairman ample initiate oversee legal reforms.
7. What Significance of the Indian Law Commission chairman`s recommendations? The recommendations chairman hold significance they form basis legislative in chairman`s and shape landscape, impacting lives millions.
8. How does the Indian Law Commission chairman collaborate with the government? The chairman collaborates with government propose implement in legal partnership for progressive that evolving of society.
9. What challenges does the chairman of the Indian Law Commission face? The chairman faces challenge balancing tradition modern ensuring legal remains and. Complex issues support reforms among challenges.
10. How does the Indian Law Commission chairman contribute to the development of Indian law? The contributions invaluable shaping Indian law. Identifying in system suggesting reforms, chairman plays role steering towards just progressive legal framework.


Indian Law Commission Chairman List Contract

In accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of India, this contract is hereby entered into between the Indian Law Commission and the appointed Chairman for the purpose of maintaining and updating the list of chairmen of the Indian Law Commission.

Article 1 Appointment Duties
Article 2 Term Appointment
Article 3 Compensation and Benefits
Article 4 Termination of Appointment
Article 5 Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
Article 6 Dispute Resolution
Article 7 Amendments and Modifications
Article 8 Effective Date